
How Moments Become Holy

Scan In honor of #TBT and my process of allowing bits, pieces and chunks of my childhood that no longer serve me to fall away, I want to write about the things I must keep with me. I've landed in many Holy Moments, usually sporadic, unplanned, totally necessary. These are some of the most significant, life-affirming and breath-giving memories I have. And even as a grown woman, every once in a while, a Holy Moment finds me and I am reminded of what really matters...

(I'd love to hear some of YOUR Holy Moments in the comments below!) xoxo




Holy Moments by, Erica Jacobs

Sometimes a little girl will end up in a moment she never wants to leave.

Like child’s play;

perfectly unplanned,

completely timely.

She allows herself to get lost in the great knowing she is enough.


Sometimes a little girl’s hair will be combed through and through,

with trusted fingertips,

from her forehead to the split ends of her wild hair.

She lets someone love her.


Sometimes a little girl will lie on a concrete driveway,

gaze at a palm tree’s crown.

Ants make their way onto her toes,

in a single file line.

She does not question validity of her thoughts,

as her mind waltzes through rhythms of time.


Sometimes a little girl’s childhood

will be affirmed—

unabashed laughter,

sprawled on a dusty basement floor.

She wonders not,

about to whom she is worthy,

but who is worthy to her.


Sometimes a little girl will drape her body,

over the lap of someone she loves.

While heavy tears flow free,

she allows herself to just be held.


Sometimes a little girl will wish these moments

went on forever;

that they happened all the time.

She may realize, though,

a holy moment isn’t a moment at all—

but a feeling deep in her gut,

accessible to her,


Wherever she may be,

however old she is,

a holy moment

is never far from reach.



Some Holy Moments as a grownup:












