1. Food is not medicine.
ponder, investigate, pray on that as needed.
2. Fat people have eating disorders, and they often go undiagnosed and untreated
3. Trans people, Queer people, Black people, Cis men and folks of all ages have eating disorders.
4. “Health at Every Size” means no matter the size, weight and shape of your body, you are entitled to be properly cared for and accommodated socially, medically and systemically.
5. ‘Calories In, Calories Out’ is junk science
6. weight loss is not a guaranteed outcome of healing trauma. Im sorry if someone told you that.
7. Although eating disorders in and of themselves are not about food, they are rooted in fat phobia, which rooted in anti-Blackness, which has its origins in 1609, which informs the ways we still malnourish marginalized communities through racist urban planning and inhuman food distribution practices, rendering poor people hungry and rich people hoarding.
8. The diet industry, rebranded “the Wellness industry”, is a for-profit distraction manufacturing company.
9. Exercise makes you hungry
10. Dr. Oz is an actual conman
11. Your bad habits will kill you,
but your wellness won’t save you.
healing isn’t linear
health isn’t linear
i still struggle in some way each day
but i have a vast tool box and im grateful for how far I’ve come.
if you’ve not experienced an eating disorder, this is a good week to listen.
if you have, i see you
I’m walking with you
and I’m rooting for your freedom.
erica jac