

baskets. everywhere. 

No, you don’t understand,(or maybe you do)

A door-knocker and welcome mat in the shape of a basket

little baskets line the entryway

and three paintings

side by side

of baskets.

house plants planted

Throw blankets thrown

unmailed mail

two cats nestled

In baskets. 

A tiskit a taskit

nine fucking picnic baskets 

strewn across a kitchen beam 

A basket for forks

one for spoons

Baskets for eggs

All the eggs were in one basket okay?


it was like walking in the midst 

of tragedy, boredom and panic

through the mind of a basket case. 


the Christmas tree

Decorated with nothing

but baskets.

It was April.

Do I need to tell you

About the guest room filled with baskets?

Wall to wall

ceiling to floor

Baskets that lived a good life

But could no longer carry the load

Why was I even there?

And who was the sloppy boy stroking my hair

stinking of booze and slurring his words

I roll over staring wide eyed at

A basket

I want to go home

All evidence to the contrary,

this night

was no picnic. 
