a country is only a country
because a person said so.
i do not put it past us
we stole this land from Native Americans
for that is who we are;
we see it
we like it
we have to have it.
we do not apologize well
and humility takes a backseat to pride
all the time.
it is silly, stressful and dangerous to put
one person in charge of a people
and God does not bless America any more than he blesses the U.K. or China
because God doesn’t know what a country is
because he is bigger and wiser and more mysterious than having our back on gun violence.
there has been legal slavery
now we have illegal slavery.
we do not harvest
we do not conserve.
we do not care about the earth
and we want our white women to have more babies.
we set white rapists free
and lock up black men for weed.
we pledge allegiance to our country
before we even know what Allegiance means
and we stop pledging just in time for puberty
where we learn all kinds of ways to live apart from each other.
we have duct taped the mouths of our most intelligent brothers and sisters
and slipped under many a radar.
we have crashed and burned
and deflected the pain of our own doing
by blaming a God of our own understanding.
we are addicts
we are bullies
we are insatiable.
i still believe this land was made
for you and me,
because, well,
you and me are here.
i believe amendments
and proclamations
were written when we were in our right mind, that one time;
when we were certain there is enough love to go around,
when we could taste each other's residency in the same Kingdom and we never wanted to live apart.
This has to be true;
i know that it's true
you gather a diverse room of 55
people and start singing “this land is your land”
everyone will sing with you.
(it happened yesterday when i taught yoga).
and that Pledge of Allegiance,
it’s a really beautiful pledge—
one i may start saying each day
because I have tasted the consequences of not.